Apple CarPlay iOS 13 new on BMW

Apple CarPlay iOS 13 new on BMW
Apple’s CarPlay has been updated significantly when iOS 13 has released a trial version to be tested.
The team did not wait to hurry, update and bring the information to members.

Informal information that the team has tested is as follows.

– Mode of light in iOS 13, CarPlay has two modes, namely Light Mode and Dark Mode.
– Add a new DashBoard, everything in 1 screen
– SIRI improved, better understand the language, including support app other than Apple
– Add a calendar app to be able to do a list on a daily basis and can link the map at all.
– New Apple Map can use voice commands
– There is a Menu Setting that can be set in the car screen.
– Apple Music, new perspective
– Add Mode “Do not disturb while driving”

The team sincerely hope that Customers will be comfortable in this upcoming iOS 13.